The Shrink Factor: Understanding How Much Your BJJ Gi Will Contract

What Is BJJ Gi Shrinkage

Shrinkage is the process by which a material, such as fabric, loses its original size and shape due to various factors such as washing, drying, and temperature. When it comes to BJJ gis, shrinkage can have a significant impact on the fit and performance of the gi. Understanding shrinkage and how to prevent it is crucial for maintaining the longevity and functionality of your gi.

BJJ gi is a significant investment, and proper care is essential to ensure they last as long as possible. Understanding shrinkage can help you prevent it from happening, or at least minimize it, so your gi will fit better, perform better and last longer for your competitions.

The purpose of this guide is to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of shrinkage and how it relates to BJJ gis. We will discuss the factors that contribute to shrinkage, how to measure and prevent it, and how to deal with shrinkage if it occurs. By the end of this guide, you will have the knowledge and tools you need to keep your BJJ gi in top condition for as long as possible.

Factors that Affect Shrinkage

Fabric type: The type of fabric used to make a BJJ gi can greatly impact how much it will shrink. Cotton gi is known for shrinking more than gi made from a blend of cotton and polyester. Additionally, gi that is made from a single-weave fabric tend to shrink more than those made from a double-weave fabric.

Washing and drying methods: How you wash and dry your gi can also play a significant role in shrinkage. Hot water and high heat drying can cause shrinkage, while cold water and air drying can help prevent it. It's also important to use a mild detergent and avoid using fabric softeners, as these can also contribute to shrinkage.

Temperature: Extreme temperatures, whether hot or cold, can also cause shrinkage in BJJ gis. Avoid leaving your gi in a hot car or storing it in a damp area as these can lead to shrinkage.

Quality of the gi: The quality of the gi can also affect how much it will shrink. Cheaper gi is more likely to shrink and lose their shape than higher-quality gis.

Age of the gi: Over time, a gi may shrink more due to its age. Washing and drying a gi multiple times can cause shrinkage over time. This is why it is important to take proper care of your gi or make a list of how many gis you should have.

How To Measure Shrinkage

Take exact measurements both before and after washing and drying in order to gauge shrinkage in your BJJ gi. In order to do this, lay your gi flat on a smooth surface and measure the length and width of the different elements of the gi, including the sleeves, pant legs, and torso. Each component should be measured twice, and the measurements should be recorded for comparison.

After you've taken the pre-shrink measurements, wash and dry your gi as directed by the label or in the guide. Take the measurements once more and compare them to the pre-shrink measurements after the gi has been cleaned and dried. The amount of shrinkage that has taken place will be the difference between the two sets of measurements.

To take accurate measurements and compare pre and post-shrink measurements, you will need a measuring tape, a pen, and a notebook to record the measurements. Additionally, you will need a washing machine and dryer, or a wash basin and clothesline if you prefer to hand wash and air dry your gi.

How To Prevent Shrinkage

Using the right washing and drying techniques is one of the best ways to stop shrinkage. To do this, wash and dry your gi with cold water, a light detergent, and without using high heat. Additionally, air drying your gi is advised rather than using a dryer.

Reduce shrinkage by selecting a garment composed of a cotton and polyester blend or double-weave fabric. These fabrics have a tendency to keep their shape better than gi made of single weave or 100% cotton.

Your gi should be stored properly to avoid shrinkage. Avoid folding or crumpling your gi since this can cause creases and wrinkles. Instead, store it in a dry, well-ventilated environment.

Regularly inspecting your gi for weak areas and reinforcing or repairing them can also help prevent shrinkage. This can include reinforcing the collar, cuffs, and other areas of the gi that are prone to stretching or tearing.

How to wash and shrink your BJJ gi

To properly wash your BJJ Gi, you should follow the care instructions provided by the manufacturer. Generally, it's best to wash your Gi in cold water and hang it to air dry, as high heat can shrink and damage the fabric.

Avoid using fabric softeners, as these can also damage the Gi and affect its performance. If your Gi is particularly dirty or stinky, you may opt to wash it separately from your other laundry or use a special sports detergent designed to remove sweat and odours.

Shrinking your BJJ Gi is a common practice to ensure a snug fit, but it should be done with care. The best way to shrink a Gi is to wash it in hot water and then hang it to air dry. However, be aware that over-shrinking can result in a Gi that is too small and uncomfortable, so it's important to check the fit regularly as the Gi dries.

If you are unsure about how much to shrink your Gi, it's always best to err on the side of caution and shrink it a little at a time, rather than overdoing it and ruining the Gi completely. With proper care and attention, you can find the right fit and enjoy the sport to its fullest.

Wash Your Gi in Cold Water Only

Washing your BJJ Gi in cold water is crucial to maintain its quality and longevity. Hot water can cause shrinkage and damage to the fabric, leading to an ill-fitting Gi and a shorter lifespan.

In addition, hot water can also cause the colours to fade, ruining the appearance of your Gi. To ensure that your Gi stays in the best condition possible, it's recommended to wash it in cold water only.

Not only is washing your Gi in cold water better for its longevity, but it's also more environmentally friendly. Cold water uses less energy to heat, reducing your carbon footprint and saving you money on your energy bill.

In addition, using cold water can also save your Gi from being damaged by the high heat, allowing you to enjoy it for a longer period of time. By following the simple step of washing your BJJ Gi in cold water only, you can maintain its quality, extend its lifespan, and be more environmentally conscious.

Hang Dry Your Gi To Prevent Shrinkage

Hanging your BJJ Gi to dry is an important step in maintaining its shape and preventing shrinkage. Machine drying can cause shrinkage and damage to the fibres, especially for Gis made from cotton or other natural fibres.

To avoid this, it's best to hang your Gi to air dry after washing it. This not only helps to preserve the shape and size of the Gi, but it also helps to prevent damage to the fabric, extending its lifespan.

Hanging your Gi to dry is a simple process, and all you need is a hanger and a drying area with good airflow. Simply hang the Gi from the hanger, making sure to distribute the weight evenly to prevent stretching or misshaping.

Allow the Gi to air dry completely before folding or storing it. This process may take a little longer than using a machine dryer, but it is worth the extra time and effort to ensure that your Gi stays in great condition for as long as possible.

Will my gi shrink in the dryer?

It is possible for your BJJ Gi to shrink in the dryer. Machine drying can cause shrinkage in Gis made from cotton or other natural fibres, as the heat and agitation can cause the fibres to shrink and become misshapen. This can lead to a Gi that is too small or ill-fitting, which can be uncomfortable and affect your performance on the mat.

To avoid shrinkage, it's recommended to hang your Gi to air dry after washing it, as this allows the fabric to dry slowly and retain its shape. Hanging your Gi to dry may take longer than using a machine dryer, but it is a simple and effective way to ensure that your Gi stays in great condition and fits properly.

How Much Do Preshrunk Gis Shrink?

The amount that a pre-shrunk BJJ Gi will shrink can vary depending on several factors, such as the type of fabric, the quality of the Gi, and the manufacturer. On average, a pre-shrunk Gi made from cotton can shrink anywhere from 5% to 10% after the first wash.

This means that a Gi that is labelled as A2 size can shrink to be closer to an A1 size after washing. However, it's important to note that the shrinkage can vary, so it's always best to check the manufacturer's size chart and washing instructions to determine the amount of shrinkage you can expect.


In summary, shrinkage is a common issue that affects BJJ gis. Understanding shrinkage and knowing how to prevent it is essential for prolonging the life of your gi. We discussed the importance of fabric type, washing and drying methods, temperature, quality of the gi, and age of the gi when it comes to shrinkage.

We also talked about how to take accurate measurements, comparison of pre-shrink and post-shrink measurements, and the tools and equipment needed. Additionally, we discussed proper washing and drying methods, choosing the right fabric type, storing the gi properly, repairing and reinforcing weak areas, resizing the gi, alternatives to resizing, and how to make the most out of a shrunken gi.

Keeping in mind that shrinkage is a natural process and not the end of the world is crucial. Understanding shrinkage will help you take action to stop it and extend the life of your garment.

We advise washing your gi in cold water, staying away from strong heat, and letting it air dry. Additionally, we advise selecting a gi composed of a cotton-polyester blend or a double-weave fabric and routinely checking your gi for weak spots and strengthening or fixing them.

Keep in mind that shrinkage is a normal process and that there are always methods to make it work for you. Have fun rolling!

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