Breaking Down the Gi Dilemma: Finding Your Perfect BJJ Gi Collection


The gi is a crucial part of your BJJ training and competition, so having the appropriate number of gis will help you stay prepared at all times. In this post we'll talk about how many gis a BJJ practitioner should own, as well as how to arrange their collection for the best possible training and competition.

The Practical Perspective

First and foremost, having at least two gis is advised. This way, you can always have a fresh gi on hand and won't have to worry about going to class wearing a stinky or smelly gi. Additionally, having more than one gi is preferable so you can rotate them and give them time to dry properly in between uses.  And as they won't be worn as frequently, rotating your gis will help them last longer.

Another thing to take into account is your weekly training schedule. Having more than two gis is a good idea if you train frequently. This will allow you to put on a fresh gi for every training session, so you don’t have to worry about wearing a stinky, sweaty gi and risk giving you or your training partners ringworm. Having multiple gis will also allow you to have a backup gi in case your main gi ever is damaged or in the wash and get shrunk later.

The Financial Factor

Your budget is the next aspect to think about. Gis can be a costly investment, so it's important to think about how much you're willing to spend. Although having multiple gis is a great idea, it isn't always required.

Having one high-quality gi that fits you well is more important than having several gis that don't.  Additionally, if money is tight, you might want to look for online stores that offer a discount for multiple gi purchases


In summary, your personal preferences, training schedule, and financial situation will all influence how many gis you should own. It is recommended to have at least two gis. Having more than two gis might be a good idea if you train more than twice a week.

Additionally, you can extend the life of your gis by rotating them and keeping them clean. With all this in mind, you'll be able to make the best decision on how many gis you should own.

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