BJJ Gi Colors: What Do They Mean and Which One is Right for You


BJJ is a martial art with a long history and a vibrant culture. The significance of the gi, or kimono, worn by practitioners is one facet of this tradition. Two common questions asked by beginners are “do the BJJ gi colors have a meaning?” and “What color BJJ gi should I get?”.

The color is a crucial factor to take into account when selecting a gi. You want to choose a color that best reflects you and your unique style in addition to the fact that some affiliations and competitions only allow certain color gi’s on their mat. This post will explain the different BJJ gi colors and offer suggestions on which color to pick.

The Meaning of BJJ Gi Colors

The reality is gi color has little or no significance in modern BJJ culture. White, blue, and black are the most typical gi colors. White has become the predominant color for gi’s, particularly in judo and jiu-jitsu, because it is associated with “purity” or “truth” in Japanese culture.

A blue gi was used to distinguish one competitor from another during the rise in popularity of judo competitions, and jiu-jitsu later adopted this practice.

The color of the gi has no special meaning in BJJ and it does not represent a practitioner's progression from a novice to a skilled practitioner, as is commonly believed by new students.

Choosing the Right Color for You

There are various things to think about while selecting a gi color. One of the most crucial considerations is a personal choice because it should reflect your personality and sense of style.

However, it's also crucial to consider association and competition rules. Some associations may have strict rules about gi color, and some competitions may only accept certain gi colors.

For example, in IBJJF competitions only the following colors are permissible: white, royal blue or black. Gis with tops and pants of different colors are not permitted; nor are GIs with a collar that is a different color than the rest of the top.

Before selecting a gi, it is crucial to review these regulations. To make the process easier it helps to purchase a gi that is already IBJJF approved. It's also crucial to take into account how practical the color is, including how easily it can be kept clean and how well it will show stains. 

Choosing a gi color that is appropriate for competitions, for instance, could be more important to a competitive athlete than choosing a color that best suits their personality and style. It's critical to take into account your unique needs and priorities when making a choice.

Keypoints To Select The Right BJJ Gi Color

  1. Consider Your Training Goals and Environment

  2. Think About Your Personal Style and Preferences

  3. Reflect on Your Belt Rank and Progression

  4. Keep in Mind the Rules and Guidelines of Your Gym or Competition

  5. Consult with Your Instructor or Training Partners

  6. Try On Different Colors and Styles Before Making a Decision


In summary, the color of the gi holds no significant meaning in BJJ culture and tradition.   The commonly believed myth that the color of the gi symbolizes the journey of a practitioner, from a beginner to a master of the art is incorrect. 

However, when it comes to choosing a gi, it's important to consider personal preference, competition rules, association regulations, and the practicality of the color.

Each person may have different needs and priorities, so it's essential to consider your individual needs and preferences when making a decision. 

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